Thanks Michael, your explanation is comprehensive, currently I'm using both of them,
but I feared that one of them could become obsolete in the future.
I'm trying to translate some queries that I had done with engine
but I find it hard to do.
For example, a query like this one, I can not set it with query neither with select,
what do you suggest?

SELECT max(sopralluogo.data_sopralluogo),
FROM scadenza_malattia
JOIN scadenziario ON scadenza_malattia.id_scadenziario =
JOIN sopralluogo ON scadenziario.id_sopralluogo =
WHERE scadenza_malattia.cod_malattia IS NOT NULL AND
sopralluogo.data_sopralluogo > '2011-01-01' AND
scadenza_malattia.id_unita_aziendale = 2 AND
scadenza_malattia.cod_malattia = '012'
GROUP BY scadenza_malattia.id_unita_aziendale,
ORDER BY scadenza_malattia.id_unita_aziendale,

Michael Bayer wrote:
There's some degree of history here as SQLAlchemy initially didn't have the whole "generative" notion 
of things, and the Mapper object itself would accept arguments which it passed mostly straight to a select() 
object.   So you saw similar interfaces and it was kind of like switching between<all the 
arguments>) and<all the arguments>).   There was a great emphasis on using regular 
select() constructs with mappers, and queries were always done in terms of Table objects, not classes - the 
idea of'bar' was introduced much later, even though this Table access was somewhat convenient via 
the ".c." attribute on classes (so == 'bar' - this is actually completely different 
than what is today).   Overall there was a lot of SQLObject influencing how things were done.

If I were doing this again today, I might try to have a select() object that 
somehow morphs more smoothly into an ORM-centric object - though this would be 
challenging as the ORM Query does a lot of things with it's state before 
generating a much more rudimentary select() construct.  The Query has a lot of 
opinions about things that the select() does not, even though our Query is 
still much closer to SQL than that of any other ORM.   I have thought recently 
about this subject.   But each time I try to consider there being just one 
construct that can move between them, the details of how that would work become 
apparently very hazy and unclear - it would take a lot of thinking.   Still 
could be worth it, though.

So as things turned out in 0.5, 0.6 and onwards, we've made the Query object be the "main" thing you work with when using the ORM. There's very little emphasis on using a select() construct directly except when embedding a subquery into an existing Query - but even then we have you build up the select() using the Query interface. The select() and Query still play together pretty well but we try to say when you're actually building select() constructs directly, you're working in a "schema-centric" fashion as opposed to a "domain-centric" fashion. If you're considering your query in terms of tables, and you want plain tuples back, that leans towards select([]), and if you're querying in terms of the object model, you use Query and can get back any combination of objects/tuples.
I know it's not 100% "pure" but it does seem to work out pretty well.

On Apr 12, 2012, at 2:06 PM, jo wrote:

Hi all,

I'm sorry for this simple question.
What's the difference between query and select ?
are they interchangeable?
which of the two, it is best to use?

-------> print(session.query(Azienda.c.data_inizio).limit(1))
SELECT azienda_data_inizio
FROM (SELECT azienda.data_inizio AS azienda_data_inizio
FROM azienda)

-------> print(select([Azienda.c.data_inizio]).limit(1))
SELECT data_inizio
FROM (SELECT azienda.data_inizio AS data_inizio
FROM azienda)


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