On Apr 14, 2012, at 5:38 PM, Jeff Dairiki wrote:

> I have a one-to-one relationship to a table in a different database
> which I'd like to, effectively, eager-load.  Lazy='joined' and
> lazy='subquery' won't work, since they rely an impossible JOIN between
> tables in two different databases.
> Lazy='immediate' works, but results in one query per instance.  If I
> have a one-to-one relationship between A and B, and execute a query
> which loads 100 A's, there will be 100 more queries which each load
> one B.  What I'd like is to have two queries total: one to load the As
> and a second to load the Bs.
> I've been able to do this manually by doing something like this:
>   # Do some query
>   parents = session.query(Parent).filter(some_condition).all()
>   # "Eager load" 
>   ids = [ parent.id for parent in parents
>           if 'child' in instance_state(parent).unloaded ]
>   get_parent = session.query(Parent).get
>   for child in session.query(Child).filter(Child.parent_id.in_(ids)):
>       parent = get_parent(child.parent_id)
>       set_committed_value(child, 'parent', parent)
>       set_committed_value(parent, 'child', child)
> Is there a good way to do this more automatically?

I don't have a spectacular suggestion at the moment, if you've looked at how 
the subquery/immediate loading schemes work, the first row we get for the 
"parent" triggers the load of all the "child" objects, which is a product of 
the loader strategy system for that particular attribute.      The mechanics 
here would need to do everything entirely after the full parent collection is 
loaded.    I'd probably keep it simple and just do what you're doing, just 
either inside of a helper function like iterate_with_related(myquery, 
"children") or perhaps do a subclass of Query.

As far as the actual load operation, there's a recipe for this kind of 
operation at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/DisjointEagerLoading which 
will do things a little more directly, without the need for query.get().    
There's a "generalized" recipe there too which you can probably adapt to what 
you're doing here.

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