we would need to know what database you're using.   It's likely your DB doesn't 
support REGEXP_LIKE.

On Apr 18, 2012, at 4:00 AM, jo wrote:

> Hi all,
> Someone could help me with this query?
> SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(codice_aziendale, 2) AS INTEGER)) FROM azienda WHERE 
> codice_aziendale LIKE '#%%' AND REGEXP_LIKE(SUBSTR(codice_aziendale, 2) , 
> '[[:digit:]]')
> I'm trying in this way:
> session.query(sa.func.max(sa.func.cast(sa.func.substr(Azienda.c.codice_aziendale,2),
>  sa.Integer))).filter(sa.func.REGEXP_LIKE(Azienda.c.data_inizio, 
> '[[:digit:]]')).scalar()
> but I got this error:
> NotSupportedError: (NotSupportedError) Variable_TypeByValue(): unhandled data 
> type Integer 'SELECT max(cast(substr(azienda.codice_aziendale, :substr_1), 
> :cast_1)) AS max_1 \nFROM azienda \nWHERE REGEXP_LIKE(azienda.data_inizio, 
> :REGEXP_LIKE_1)' {'REGEXP_LIKE_1': '[[:digit:]]', 'substr_1': 2, 'cast_1': 
> Integer()}
> j
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