On Apr 29, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:

> On 28.4.2012, at 18:39, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:52 AM, Stefan Urbanek wrote:
>>> This is what I used as workaround [1]:
>>>     # select is sqlalchemy.sql.expression.select() 
>>>     # each selected column was derived as column = 
>>> table.c[reference].label(label_with_dot)
>>>     labels = [c.name for c in select.columns]
>>>     ...
>>>     record = dict(zip(labels, row))
>> please try out the patch at 
>> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/attachment/ticket/2475/2475.patch .    This 
>> would provide:
>> conn = engine.connect().execution_options({"sqlite_raw_colnames":True})
>> result = conn.execute(stmt)
>> no removal of dots would proceed.   
>> if this works for you it can go right in to 0.7 and 0.8.
> Thanks, works nicely. (had to change to: 
> execution_options(sqlite_raw_colnames=True)).
> Is there (going to be) a way how I would be able to pass this option to the 
> engine, so I can have all connections like that?

sure, create_engine() accepts execution_options as does the Engine itself via 

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