Hey lists -

I've just put out Alembic 0.3.2.

This version features initial support for Oracle, and some bug fixes.

There's plenty more to do with Alembic so keep those pull requests coming in !  
Thanks all for the help on this project.    

Alembic 0.3.2:


- [feature] Basic support for Oracle added, 
  courtesy shgoh. #40

- [feature] Added support for UniqueConstraint
  in autogenerate, courtesy Atsushi Odagiri

- [bug] Fixed support of schema-qualified 
  ForeignKey target in column alter operations,
  courtesy Alexander Kolov.

- [bug] Fixed bug whereby create_unique_constraint()
  would include in the constraint columns that
  are added to all Table objects using events,
  externally to the generation of the constraint.

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