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On May 15, 2012, at 7:51 PM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

> Intuitively, this should return a row with the integer numbers 0 and
> 1, but Informix can't execute the query because the parameters need to
> be bound to a particular data type on the SQL side, and no SQL type
> information can be inferred from the query.
> I see two different approaches around this issue:
> * Use literal values instead of bound parameters in the projection
> clause.
> * If you must use bound parameters, use type casts for the parameters
> that are used in the projection clause. For example: CASE WHEN
> (xrefr.xr_supersede = :1) THEN :2::int ELSE :3::int
> </quote>
> I assume this same kind of issue must be addressed in other dialects???

We have this same kind of issue in very rare circumstances - with Firebird, and 
with SQL server when certain drivers are used, though not with a plain CASE 
statement.    Some DB/DBAPIs require that it can infer the type from a given 
expression, so "somecol = ?" is OK, whereas "? = ?" is not.   Using bound 
parameters in the columns clause of a SELECT can be a problem on some SQL 
Server drivers - like "SELECT ? AS foo".

So in this case, you can always bypass bound values using a construct like 
literal_column("'somevalue'").  SQLAlchemy also has limited, and not very 
publicly exposed, ability to turn a bound parameter into an in-place literal 
directly - I'm very nervous about this feature as if it is mis-used, it amounts 
to a security vulnerability.   It seems like you've just used literal_column() 
so that is probably the best way to go here.

>> On May 15, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Adam Tauno Williams <awill...@whitemice.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm use the Informix dialog with SQLalchemy 0.7.7 (the latest 0.7.x
>>> release).
>>> It works.
>>> But now I'm getting this error -
>>> sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) SQLCODE -201 in
>>> 42000: Syntax error or access violation
>>> 'SELECT xrefr.xr_serial_no AS xrefr_xr_serial_no, xrefr.xr_stock_no AS
>>> xrefr_xr_stock_no, xrefr.xr_desc AS xrefr_xr_desc, xrefr.xr_oem_code AS
>>> xrefr_xr_oem_code, xrefr.xr_oem_partcode AS xrefr_xr_oem_partcode,
>>> xrefr.xr_vend_code AS xrefr_xr_vend_code, xrefr.xr_vendr_part_code AS
>>> xrefr_xr_vendr_part_code, xrefr.xr_vendr_stock_no AS
>>> xrefr_xr_vendr_stock_no, xrefr.xr_min_qty AS xrefr_xr_min_qty,
>>> xrefr.xr_weight AS xrefr_xr_weight, xrefr.xr_quality_code AS
>>> xrefr_xr_quality_code, xrefr.xr_net_price AS xrefr_xr_net_price,
>>> xrefr.xr_list_price AS xrefr_xr_list_price, xrefr.xr_supersede AS
>>> xrefr_xr_supersede, CASE WHEN (xrefr.xr_supersede = :1) THEN :2 ELSE :3
>>> END AS anon_1 \nFROM xrefr \nWHERE xrefr.xr_oem_code = :4 AND
>>> xrefr.xr_vend_code = :5 AND CASE WHEN (xrefr.xr_supersede = :6) THEN :7
>>> ELSE :8 END IN (:9)' ('S', 1, 0, '35X', 'A78', 'S', 1, 0, 0)
>>> Only issue is that this is a *legitimate* statement.  If I cut-n-paste
>>> this into a query tool [like DbVisualizer] this statement runs without
>>> issue.  Any tips or suggestions on how to determine what is actually
>>> wrong?

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