Hi, thanks for all your work :)

>> I can't set neither polymorphic_on
> set this using a string - polymorphic_on = 'type'.

Oh, Indeed that works.

>> nor sort_on columns in mapper
> order_by?   OK, I'm not a huge fan of mapper order_by but we can come up with 
> something on that....

Thanks for solving this.

>> There is no way to ignore just SAWarnings just on some tables now,
>> only either turn them off for all tables (around prepare call) or
>> reflect the tables explicitly before calling prepare. (otherwise I
>> keep getting the warnings for indexes/columns sqlalchemy does not
>> understand)
> you can silence warnings using the warnings filter in Python.    There's lots 
> of things SQLA doesn't know how to reflect in PG, particularly functional 
> indexes, so the options are it ignores them silently, raises an error, or 
> warns+ignores.

I must have been unclear in my ramblings, sorry. I know I can silence
the warnings, but in reflected schema arrangement
I could silence warnings for just one one table:

        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', SAWarning)
        Table("items", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine,
        warnings.simplefilter('default', SAWarning)

If I want to do the same for the *normal* declarative I just surround
the class definition with same code.
With Deferred declarative I can must turn off all warnings by doing:

        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', SAWarning)
        warnings.simplefilter('default', SAWarning)

Which hides warnings for all the tables, instead of just the 1 table I
know has something fishy. Though it is just a minor issue.
The perfect solution for me would be being able to tell sqlalchemy to
ignore some columns or indexes on the class explicitly. Like:

class SearchTerm(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'search_terms'
    terms = Column(Ignore) # or something like that

so that if something other than that column being unrecognized causes
the warning I would see it.
(I had warnings that happen during prepare point some real bugs so I
don't want to run with them turned off just because I have a
ts_vector column on one of my tables and a functional index on another
one) but still, the workaround of refleting the offending tables
before doing prepare works.

Overall the refactoring from simple reflected schema saved a bunch of
code. 400 lines added, 600 removed according to diffstat :)

>> so that all the tables would get defined before models. I can't come
>> up with an sqlite based testcase at the moment.
>> Without this some I was having some_table has no column id errors.
> Dependencies between mapper tables come up at mapper creation time only with 
> joined inheritance - these mappers should already be created in the same 
> order.   Dependencies between mappers due to relationship() don't attempt to 
> resolve at this stage, so that wouldn't be the issue either.    A dependency 
> due to column_property() with some related table, maybe, but that requires 
> explicit access to the tables anyway.
> A stack trace here would be extremely helpful.

  File "/home/ignas/src/busy/src/busy/models/meta.py", line 25, in prepare
line 1371, in map
line 1137, in mapper
    return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
line 204, in __init__
line 793, in _configure_pks
line 596, in reduce_columns
    fk_col = fk.column
line 524, in __get__
    obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj)
line 1411, in column
    table.name, key)

Problem is this arrangement:

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'

class WallPostStar(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'wall_post_stars'

    user = relation(User, backref="wall_post_stars")

class WallPost(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'wall_posts'
    stars = relation(WallPostStar, backref='wall_post')
    author = relation(User, backref="wall_posts")

if I put wall post star class *after* wall post class, it starts to
work as it should. (the error happens when mapping wall post star
class before wall post class is mapped)


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