On May 23, 2012, at 12:10 AM, ThereMichael wrote:

> I have this relation:
>     # Users
>     user_table = Table('user', self.metadata,
>         Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>         Column('place_id', Integer),
>         mysql_engine='InnoDB'
>     )
>     # Places
>     places_table = Table('places', self.metadata,
>       Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),      
>       mysql_engine='InnoDB'
>     )
>     mapper(User, user_table,properties={
>         'user' : relation(Place,
>           primaryjoin=(user_table.c.place_id==places_table.c.id), 
>           foreign_keys=[places_table.c.id]),
>       }
>     )          
>     mapper(Place, places_table, properties={
>       'id':places_table.c.id,
>       }
>     )
> A Place can be associated with multiple users. 

That would make user.place_id the foreign key here.  Put a ForeignKey() on the 
"user.place_id" Column pointing to "places.id" and lose the foreign_keys 
directive in the relation().    Because you have the primary key set as the FK 
at the moment, detaching a user/place means the "foreign" column becomes null - 
which if you've told it "places.id", means it's nulling out the primary key.

> I fetch a user as so:
>     query = session.query(User).options(
>       eagerload('place')).\
>       filter_by(id=id)
>     user  = query.one()
> If there's a place associated with the user I end up with : user.place[], 
> where user.place[0] is the first place, etc. 
> Now, I want to remove the relation between this User and this Place, without 
> deleting the place. So, I tried:
> user.place_id = None
> That fails with "AssertionError: Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary 
> key column 'places.id' on instance '<Place at 0x1116df6d0>'"
> So, then I tried:
> del user.place[0]
> That fails also. I've also tried the various incarnations of 
> passive_deletes=True and False (fails).
> The only solution I've come up with is this:
> session.expunge(user.place[0])
> user.place_id = None
> That works, but it doesn't feel right. Is there a better way? Thanks!
> -- 
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