> > We tried to switch from SingletonThreadPool (which raises errors, 
> sometimes) to StaticPool... we'll see what happens. The problem is 
> > that this error is not systematically raised and it seems that it is 
> > raised when multiple threads are accessing the db. 
> StaticPool can't be used for a multithreaded application, a connection can 
> only be used in one thread at a time.   pysqlite specifically should be 
> even preventing that connection from being used in any thread in which it 
> wasn't created.   If you're using a file based database, you should be on 
> NullPool - pooling for SQLite isn't really appropriate. 
>  I do want to go to NullPool but, as mentioned earlier, it raises an 
Operational error: no such table. I'm not familiar with low level 
implementation of db layers (that's why i found sqlalchemy so useful in 
that it encapsulates the details). Our code just creates one instance of 
the OrmManager and then everytime a db access is needed, we ask it a 
session for that.

Example code is:

orm = OrmManager(....)
session = orm.get_session()
my_obj = session.query(....)
my_obj.attribute = 'new value'

I can see an issue here, talking to you. We used the SingleThreadedPool 
with pool_size=50. But looking at our code, it seems that we never free the 
created sessions (session.close() ). Are they garbage collected ? Do we 
need to explicitly call session.close() ? 
The problem occurs when multiple access are done, we may use all the 
sessions available before the garbage collector runs...

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