Worked perfectly. Thanks a lot for your quick answer and so great software.

Le jeudi 24 mai 2012 16:45:50 UTC+2, Michael Bayer a écrit :
> On May 24, 2012, at 10:02 AM, pr64 wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason, I need to access my sqlite database through an API which 
> encapsulates the sqlalchemy stuff.
> In my api methods, the typical sequence is:
>    1. get a session from the session maker
>    2. query/commit the db using this session
>    3. return the queried/commited object and close the session
> From the caller side, the returned object may have expired but i don't 
> care (I configure my session maker with expire_on_commit=False)
> This works fine, ie the object is detached from the db but immediate 
> attributes are available from reading without any call to a hidden 
> sqlalchemy refresh.
> If I want to access linked tables, I just implement it with joinedloads 
> within my api and again the caller can read related attributes.
> The problem comes with inherited tables. I would like to be able to tell 
> sqlalchemy to automatically load the child instead of loading the base 
> class (and after issueing a refresh). Here's a sample 
> code:
> Line 131 works fine since the requested object is a the base class object
> Line 133 does not work since the requested object is a child class object
> How can I configure sqa to be able to get the whole child without having 
> later refreshes ?
> use the with_polymorphic() method of Query described at 
>    0.8 will have a more capable and flexible version of this function.

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