Thanks for confirming my apprehensions about using engine.dispose().

So I gather it is just a matter of me tweaking the pool_recycle and 
pool_size options to something more appropriate for my application?

Can you offer any guidance as to some appropriate values for a threaded 
REST application? Would pool_size be able to be quite small like 2 and 
pool_recycle something like 2 mins?

On Saturday, May 26, 2012 9:31:55 AM UTC+10, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On May 24, 2012, at 11:28 PM, Bradley Mclain wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently working on a project that use SQL alchemy with mod_wsgi, 
>  webapp2 and prestans (python REST framework). The backend is Oracle XE 
> using cx_Oracle.
> What is the appropriate way to manage sessions in a multithreading app 
> such as this? Currently I have been following the guide found 
> here<>
>  to 
> implement a contextual/thread-local session.
> scoped_session produces a session factory/proxy object which maintains a 
> single Session per thread, and as the guide indicates you can allow this 
> factory to automatically create a Session on first use, then at request end 
> time you do an unconditional remove() so that the scoped_session closes the 
> Session it may or may not be handling, and disposes of it.
> I have then made a session that is automatically cleaned up by the request 
> handler. The code for this looks something like:
> def dispatch(self):
>     self.db_session = db.Session()
>     super(BaseHandler, self).dispatch()
>     self.db_session.close()
>     db.Session.remove()
> db.Session.remove() should be enough here, it calls close() for you.
> However this doesn't seem to clean up all database connections as viewed 
> in netstat
> The Session uses an Engine as a source of connections.   The Engine is 
> introduced at .   
>  Intrinsic to its behavior is that it uses a small connection pool which by 
> default holds onto five connections out of the total accumulated.  Full 
> information on how this pooling is configured or disabled is at 
> and I get a connections exhausted error from Oracle XE after a certain 
> time of using the application. The same thing also happens when I use MySQL 
> as well.
> one of the many options here is the "pool_recycle" option which places a 
> time limit on the age of connections.
> If I add a call to db.engine.dispose() after the handler has returned 
> this appears to fix the problem but the SQL Alchemy documentation indicates 
> that this is only for usage with dropped connections or in test suites.
> I'm glad the documentation made clear that dispose() is not generally 
> appropriate, as the Engine is a factory/registry for connections, not a 
> connection itself.

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