There are Analyses, which have Events. There's an
Analysis_Event_Association table. Events are written before the
Analyses. Later, I have a for loop calculating multiple Analyses. For
each Analysis, we identify the Events it includes and append them,
using sqlalchemy's relationship plumbing. This just writes the
appropriate row to the association table. It works great:

all_events =

for a in analyses_parameters:
    analysis = Analysis(....)
    events_in_this_analysis = all_events[...] = events_in_this_analysis


The issue is that I'm in a situation where there are many, many
processes writing to the same database, and the database only allows
us a limited number of connections. So I'm trying to have connections
open only when they're actually being used, hence the

Writing all the analyses is a single insert, and thus is efficient
with regards to having a connection open. HOWEVER, it appears that
each of the Events associations we appended are being inserted
individually, which is bad.  The connection sits there, then is used,
then sits there, then is used, etc. This contributes to the maximum
connections open, which is a limited resource. I'd like all the
appended Events association to be inserted in one go. Is there a way
to do this? Am I correct about what's going on?

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