I have trouble configuring two relationships from one class to another. The 
following code should be fairly self-explanatory:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Company(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'companies'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    default_address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('addresses.id', 
use_alter=True, name='defaultaddress_fk'))
    addresses = relationship('Address', backref='company', 
primaryjoin='Address.company_id == Company.id')
    default_address = relationship('Address', 
primaryjoin='Company.default_address_id == Address.id')

class Address(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'addresses'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Company.id), nullable=False)

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=True)
session = Session(engine)
company = Company()
address = Address()
company.default_address = address

What I expect is SQLAlchemy to 1) create the company, 2) create the address 
with the new company's id in company_id, 3) assign the ID of the new 
address to company.default_address_id
Trouble is, I get this error:

sqlalchemy.exc.CircularDependencyError: Circular dependency detected. 
Cycles: set([ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Company.default_address), <Company at 
0x16a7210>, delete=False), ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Address.company), 
<Address at 0x16ad190>, delete=False), SaveUpdateState(<Company at 
0x16a7210>), ProcessState(OneToManyDP(Company.addresses), <Company at 
0x16a7210>, delete=False), SaveUpdateState(<Address at 0x16ad190>)]) all 
edges: set([(ProcessState(OneToManyDP(Company.addresses), <Company at 
0x16a7210>, delete=False), SaveUpdateState(<Address at 0x16ad190>)), 
(SaveUpdateState(<Address at 0x16ad190>), 
ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Company.default_address), <Company at 0x16a7210>, 
delete=False)), (SaveUpdateState(<Company at 0x16a7210>), 
SaveUpdateState(<Address at 0x16ad190>)), (SaveUpdateState(<Company at 
0x16a7210>), ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Address.company), <Address at 
0x16ad190>, delete=False)), 
(ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Company.default_address), <Company at 0x16a7210>, 
delete=False), SaveUpdateState(<Company at 0x16a7210>)), 
(ProcessState(ManyToOneDP(Address.company), <Address at 0x16ad190>, 
delete=False), SaveUpdateState(<Address at 0x16ad190>)), 
(SaveUpdateState(<Company at 0x16a7210>), 
ProcessState(OneToManyDP(Company.addresses), <Company at 0x16a7210>, 

What am I doing wrong? I had a similar problem in my production app when 
trying to delete a Company that had a default address assigned.
I'm on SQLAlchemy 0.7.7.

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