On Friday, June 8, 2012 8:56:45 AM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote:
> How come you're making some kind of mapping to this new __select__, but 
> then when you use query() you're not making this query towards the 
> JoinSummary class ?  the example seems a little torn as to what it wants to 
> do.

Sorry, it was a typo... I do actually want to use 
(hand-typed from my non-programming computer), but since the table produced 
the error, I tried with the *__select__*.


> The error means that the generated SQL contains a FROM leading to the name 
> "summary" more than once.
> Basically the use case of deriving __table__ from AliasedClass, which 
> would then be expected to be the "aliased" table, was never anticipated - 
> aliased(orm_object) was only meant to produce a new class that itself was 
> the "alias" object that can be used in a query.   So __table__ is still the 
> "summary" table here.    It might not be a bad idea to change this.   
>  (though not mid-0.7, would be another 0.8 thing).

If printing the *Session.query()* with *orm.aliased(Summary, name='s1')*, 
it seems to be ok, but using it with *sqlalchemy.select()*, it didn't work 
anymore.  No wonder why I was confused :)

But anyway yeah that's not really how I anticipated aliased(orm_object) 
> being used.  If you want to work with SQL Expression level aliases I'd 
> build that directly:
> a1 = Summary.__table__.alias('summary1')
> a2 = Summary.__table__.alias('summary2')
> my_select = select(..)... etc
> result = session.execute(my_select)

Ok, I got it. And then I would simply use a1.c.myColumn in the rest of the 
select().  Thanks for your help.

I would have though it would have been natural to do it that way...

Hopefully, my vision would get to improve the module...


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