Hey all -

SQLAlchemy 0.7.8 is released.  This is a maintenance release containing
significant bug fixes applied to both the 0.7 and 0.8 SQLAlchemy series.

Significant issues resolved include a memory leak identified when the 
C extensions were installed in conjunction with usage of the Pyodbc DBAPI
driver, and possibly other drivers that use a custom non-tuple for 
result rows; as well as a Python 3 issue where the execute() method of Engine
and Connection would not interpret positional arguments correctly.
Users who are using the Pyodbc driver in conjunction with the C extensions
on any platform are encouraged to upgrade.

There's also a new dialect added that should allow usage of the new MySQL 
engine provided by Google App Engine.

Overall, 0.7.8 has few changes versus 0.7.7, particularly within the 
ORM component, save for a few fixes.   Users are advised to fully
test existing applications before upgrading in any case.

Download SQLAlchemy 0.7.8 at:


- orm
  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby subqueryload() from 
    a polymorphic mapping to a target would incur
    a new invocation of the query for each 
    distinct class encountered in the polymorphic
    result.  [ticket:2480]

  - [bug] Fixed bug in declarative 
    whereby the precedence of columns 
    in a joined-table, composite
    column (typically for id) would fail to
    be correct if the columns contained
    names distinct from their attribute 
    names.  This would cause things like
    primaryjoin conditions made against the
    entity attributes to be incorrect.  Related
    to [ticket:1892] as this was supposed
    to be part of that, this is [ticket:2491].

  - [feature] The 'objects' argument to 
    flush() is no longer deprecated, as some
    valid use cases have been identified.  

  - [bug] Fixed identity_key() function which 
    was not accepting a scalar argument 
    for the identity.  [ticket:2508].

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby populate_existing
    option would not propagate to subquery
    eager loaders.  [ticket:2497].

- sql
  - [bug] added BIGINT to types.__all__,
    BIGINT, BINARY, VARBINARY to sqlalchemy
    module namespace, plus test to ensure
    this breakage doesn't occur again.

  - [bug] Repaired common table expression
    rendering to function correctly when the 
    SELECT statement contains UNION or other
    compound expressions, courtesy btbuilder.  

  - [bug] Fixed bug whereby append_column()
    wouldn't function correctly on a cloned
    select() construct, courtesy 
    Gunnlaugur Þór Briem.  [ticket:2482]

- engine
  - [bug] Fixed memory leak in C version of
    result proxy whereby DBAPIs which don't deliver
    pure Python tuples for result rows would
    fail to decrement refcounts correctly.
    The most prominently affected DBAPI
    is pyodbc.  [ticket:2489]

  - [bug] Fixed bug affecting Py3K whereby
    string positional parameters passed to 
    engine/connection execute() would fail to be
    interpreted correctly, due to __iter__
    being present on Py3K string.  

- postgresql
  - [bug] removed unnecessary table clause when
    reflecting enums, [ticket:2510].  Courtesy
    Gunnlaugur Þór Briem.

- oracle
  - [bug] Added ROWID to oracle.*, [ticket:2483]

- mysql
  - [feature] Added a new dialect for Google App
    Engine.  Courtesy Richie Foreman. [ticket:2484]

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