Ah! Now I understand the genesis of the error and what I was doing
wrong. Many thanks for pointing that out. Yes I am indeed running
0.7.2. I'll test it on 0.7.8 and report back.
 Thanks again for clearing me up on correlation.

On Jul 9, 12:17 am, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> yeah, actually, that's just what the behavior needs to be going forward, 
> there are some improvements in 0.8 in that you'll be able to say 
> correlate_except(SnortEvent), since you definitely don't want it correlated, 
> so once that API is in place I'll add to the docs.
> The situation is that by saying lazy=False, you're asking for "SELECT 
> event.*, sig_alias.*, (your subquery correlated against sig_alias) FROM event 
> LEFT OUTER JOIN signature AS sig_alias...".   So it is natural that because 
> "event" is in the FROM clause of the enclosing query, auto-correlation will 
> want to remove "event" from the subquery.   So explicit definition of 
> correlation is needed here, and should really be in all of these 
> column_property() cases so the docs will be updated.
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:35 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
> > I have it appearing in 0.7.3, which would imply you're on 0.7.2 on the 
> > working system.
> > On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:31 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
> >> its a bug.  Here's a workaround, declare this outside of the Signature 
> >> class:
> >> Signature.sig_count = column_property(
> >>                   select([func.count('*')]).\
> >>                       where(SnortEvent.signature == Signature.id).\
> >>                       correlate(Signature.__table__)
> >>               )
> >> On Jul 8, 2012, at 12:32 PM, RedBaron wrote:
> >>> I have written some code on (I think) SqlAlchemy 0.7.5 on my office
> >>> computer and it works perfectly. Now I tried to run the same code on
> >>> my home computer and installed Sqlalchemy 0.7.8. However, the first
> >>> query statement returned an error "InvalidRequestError: Select
> >>> statement 'SELECT count(%s) AS count_1  FROM event, signature AS
> >>> signature_1 WHERE event.signature = signature_1.sig_id' returned no
> >>> FROM clauses due to auto-correlation; specify correlate(<tables>) to
> >>> control correlation manually"
> >>> The tables in question are
> >>> class SnortEvent(Base):
> >>>  __tablename__="event"
> >>>  sid=Column(Integer,ForeignKey("sensor.sid"),primary_key=True)
> >>>  cid=Column(mysql.MSInteger(unsigned=True),primary_key=True)
> >>>  signature=Column(Integer,ForeignKey("signature.sig_id"))
> >>>  timestamp=Column(DateTime)
> >>>  isdel=Column('is_deleted',Boolean,default=False,nullable =False)
> >>> processed_event=relationship("ProcessedEvent",uselist=False,backref=backref
> >>>  ("event",lazy='select'),cascade="all,delete-
> >>> orphan",lazy=False)
> >>> iphdr=relationship("IpHdr",uselist=False,backref=backref("event",lazy=True)
> >>>  ,cascade="all,delete-
> >>> orphan",lazy=False)
> >>>  #id = column_property(sid,cid)
> >>>  def __init__(self,sid,cid,sig,ts):
> >>>      self.sid=sid
> >>>      self.cid=self.cid
> >>>      self.timestamp=ts
> >>>      self.signature=sig
> >>>  def __repr__(self):
> >>>      return "<Alert:%d-%d>"%(self.sid,self.cid)
> >>> class Signature(Base):
> >>>  __tablename__="signature"
> >>>  id=Column("sig_id",Integer,primary_key=True)
> >>>  name=Column("sig_name",String(255))
> >>> class_id=Column("sig_class_id",Integer,ForeignKey("sig_class.sig_class_id")
> >>>  )
> >>>  sig_priority=Column(Integer)
> >>>  sig_rev=Column(Integer)
> >>>  sig_sid=Column(Integer)
> >>>  sig_gid=Column(Integer)
> >>> references=relationship("SigReference",backref="sig",cascade="all",lazy=Tru
> >>>  e)
> >>> events=relationship("SnortEvent",backref=backref("sig",lazy=False),cascade=
> >>>  "all,delete-
> >>> orphan",lazy="joined",primaryjoin="Signature.id==SnortEvent.signature")
> >>>  sig_count =
> >>> column_property(select([func.count('*'),]).where(SnortEvent.signature==id))
> >>>  def __repr__(self):
> >>>      return "<Signature:%s>"%(self.name)
> >>> The funny thing is that the error is raised if I try to use the all()
> >>> on query but slicing returns results just fine
> >>>>>> event = session.query(SnortEvent)
> >>>>>> event = event[1:1000]
> >>> ..........A long list of events
> >>>>>> event.all()
> >>> Above ERROR
> >>>>>> event[:1100]
> >>> .......Another long list
> >>>>>> event[:]
> >>> Above ERROR
> >>> I frankly cannot guess the cause of the error(which was not there in
> >>> ver 0.7.5) or its absense in limited query
> >>> Any help is appreciated
> >>> --
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