> I have not made any changes, have only proposed some hypothetical changes 
> for the 0.7 series.  I don't have this newest version of MySQL installed, 
> so I was asking you to test the workaround I gave and/or the patch, to 
> ensure it solves all the problems fully.  This testing would also establish 
> that the MySQL DBAPI is properly receiving/returning the microseconds field.
> If the workarounds I gave solve your problem fully, then I can commit the 
> patch to SQLAlchemy and resolve that we are doing all that's needed for 
> fractional time support.
I have tried implementing your suggestions. Unfortunately, your workaround 
did not solve my problem fully. I successfully created the FracTime type 
which extends Time and that shows a field for fractional seconds. However, 
when I try to insert values into the FracTime column, I am still unable to 
to specify the fractional seconds part. Even after modifying Time's process 
method in lib/sqlalchemy/dialects/mysql/base.py to accept microseconds, I 
was still unable to get it to work. 

To ensure that it was not a problem with sqlalchemy, I turned on logging to 
look at was being passed to the DBAPI. What I see is:

INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...a3d0:(4L, 7.48, 0.27, 
(0, 8, 26), 93, 0, 0, 62032, 0, 0, 19, 15573, 0) 

It looks like datetime.timedelta is holding the microseconds correctly 
(that is 0 minutes, 8 seconds and 26 microseconds). It looks to me that 
sqlalchemy is correctly passing the microsecond value onto the DBAPI. After 
your workaround, this seems to have confirmed that I am having a problem 
with my DBAPI's (which I think is MySQLdb) communication with the db.

Please let me know if you have anymore ideas. Thank you for your 


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