thank you very much michael.

both ways worked like a charm.

i have implemented the other way, though this is better and more general: any
constraint with onupdate or ondelete attributes should have these attributes set
to none if the dialect name is mssql.

thanks a lot,

On 07/16/2012 05:10 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
> thanks - though one thought I had is, why not just modify an existing 
> ForeignKeyConstraint.onupdate directly in the event, instead of trying to add 
> the constraint later and confusing the ORM.  you wouldn't need the 
> relationship arguments then.
> the constraints for the table are in table.constraints, its a set and you'd 
> iterate through to find the ForeignKeyConstraint with the name you're looking 
> for.
> if you can try that out let me know.
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 5:18 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>> hello michael, friends,
>> here is my test case.
>> thanks a lot for your consideraion. please take a look.
>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
>> from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Unicode, ForeignKeyConstraint
>> from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref, sessionmaker
>> from sqlalchemy.event import listen
>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
>> Base = declarative_base()
>> class Lang(Base):
>>    __tablename__ = 'lang'
>>    lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
>>    lang_name = Column(Unicode(64))
>> class PageData(Base):
>>    __tablename__ = 'pagedata'
>>    lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
>>    lang = relation('Lang', backref='pages',
>>                    primaryjoin=lang_code==Lang.lang_code,
>>                    foreign_keys=[Lang.lang_code], uselist=False)
>>    data = Column(Unicode(64), nullable=True)
>> def add_lang_fk(table, conn, **kw):
>>    if 'added_lang_fk' not in
>>        params = dict(ondelete='cascade')
>>        if != 'mssql':
>>            params['onupdate'] = 'restrict'
>>        table.append_constraint(
>>            ForeignKeyConstraint(
>>                ['lang_code'], [Lang.__tablename__ + '.lang_code'], **params))
>>['added_lang_fk'] = True
>> listen(PageData.__table__, "before_create", add_lang_fk)
>> Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
>> Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>> session = Session()
>> de = Lang(lang_code='de', lang_name='Deutsch')
>> session.add(de)
>> data = PageData(lang_code='de', data=u"Vielen Dank im Voraus") #this works
>> data = PageData(lang=de, data=u"Vielen Dank im Voraus") #this fails
>> session.add(data)
>> session.flush()
>> thanks in advance,
>> alex
>> On 07/15/2012 07:08 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> On Jul 15, 2012, at 5:53 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>>>> hello michael, friends,
>>>> On 07/11/2012 10:31 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>>>>> hello michael,
>>>>> now it works. i also had to add uselist=False.
>>>>> i tried it the longest way possible, by adding a Pool first_connect 
>>>>> listener,
>>>>> but this was not really needed. just the uselist.
>>>>> thanks a lot,
>>>>> alex
>>>> sorry, not yet:
>>>> the relationship should also allow assignment like this:
>>>> class Lang(DeclarativeBase):
>>>>  lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
>>>>  lang_name = Column(String(20))
>>>> class PageData(DeclarativeBase):
>>>>  lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
>>>>  lang = relation('Lang', backref='pages',
>>>> primaryjoin=lang_code==Lang.lang_code, foreign_keys=[Lang.lang_code], 
>>>> uselist=False)
>>>> the PageData.lang_code foreign key is being added in an event on before 
>>>> create.
>>>> before delaying creation of the foreign key, i could do like this:
>>>> p = PageData()
>>>> p.lang = Lang.get('en')
>>>> and p.lang_code got assigned. why isn't lang_code being assigned now 
>>>> anymore?
>>> it would imply the relationship is not working at all.
>>> like before: 
>>>>>> can you just throw these two classes, the event, and some imports into a 
>>>>>> file for me ?  I can just run it.
>>> much quicker than lots of back and forth.
>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>> alex
>>>>> On 07/09/2012 04:25 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>>>>> On Jul 9, 2012, at 4:48 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>>>>>>> hello michael, friends,
>>>>>>> after successfuly fixing the ddl by the append_constraint event, the 
>>>>>>> relations
>>>>>>> that needed the said foreign keys remained orphan, asking for a 
>>>>>>> foreign_keys
>>>>>>> argument and failing to load the remote table:
>>>>>>> class Lang(DeclarativeBase):
>>>>>>>  lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
>>>>>>>  lang_name = Column(String(20))
>>>>>>> class PageData(DeclarativeBase):
>>>>>>>  lang_code = Column(String(20), primary_key=True) # this foreign key is 
>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>> successfully appended on before_create.
>>>>>>>  lang = relation('Lang', backref='pages',
>>>>>>> primaryjoin=lang_code==Lang.lang_code) #this relationship won't work, 
>>>>>>> since at
>>>>>>> the moment the class is being made, the foreign key is not there yet.
>>>>>>> the foreign_keys=Lang.lang_code arg does calm the exception, but 
>>>>>>> doesn't do the
>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>> could i add the relationship to the mapper on the same event?
>>>>>> I would think "foreign_keys" should fix the problem totally, what do you 
>>>>>> mean "doesn't do the work"?  I'd have to work up a test case, can you 
>>>>>> just throw these two classes, the event, and some imports into a file 
>>>>>> for me ?  I can just run it.
>>>>> well, almost totally ;)
>>>>> it also needed uselist=False.
>>>>>>> thank in advance,
>>>>>>> alex
>>>>>>> On 07/07/2012 05:13 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>>>>>>> sure engine and connection have   Foreign key 
>>>>>>>> constraints don't matter on SQLite unless you've actually enabled 
>>>>>>>> them, which is rare.   I'd still use an event though so at least the 
>>>>>>>> behavior is transparent.
>>>>>>>> @event.listens_for(my_table, "before_create")
>>>>>>>> def add_fk(table, conn, **kw):
>>>>>>>>  if != 'mssql':
>>>>>>>>      table.append_constraint(ForeignKeyConstraint(...))
>>>>>>>> tricky though to modify the table metadata within a "create" event in 
>>>>>>>> the case that the table is created multiple times in an app.  you can 
>>>>>>>> put a flag in, like "['added_the_fk'] = True", to 
>>>>>>>> keep track of things.
>>>>>>>> On Jul 7, 2012, at 12:59 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>>>>>>>>> hello mike and thanks for your answer.
>>>>>>>>> no problem with ForeignKeyConstraint, but wouldn't AddConstraint go 
>>>>>>>>> the alter
>>>>>>>>> way? in this case, it will be ignored by the sqlite dialect.
>>>>>>>>> what i was looking for was more like:
>>>>>>>>> from sqlalchemy... import get_dialect
>>>>>>>>> ....
>>>>>>>>> fk_parms = dict(.....)
>>>>>>>>> if get_dialect() != 'mssql':
>>>>>>>>>       fk_parms.update(onupdate='restrict')
>>>>>>>>> fk = ForeignKey(**fk_parms)
>>>>>>>>> would the dialect be accessible from the engine, metadata etc?
>>>>>>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>> alex
>>>>>>>>> On 07/06/2012 11:39 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> you'd use ForeignKeyConstraint along with the AddConstraint 
>>>>>>>>>> directive, and limit it per-dialect using create/drop events as 
>>>>>>>>>> documented at 
>>>>>>>>>>  .
>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 6, 2012, at 1:30 PM, alex bodnaru wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> hello friends,
>>>>>>>>>>> i need to define a foreign key differently for different dialects:
>>>>>>>>>>> ondelete='restrict' for most engines, but nothing (implied and not 
>>>>>>>>>>> recognized)
>>>>>>>>>>> for mssql.
>>>>>>>>>>> could you help?
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>> alex
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