I have a very simple case: two mapped classes, Head and Row, linked with 
the "id_head" id column. This is the primary key for the Head, while 
"id_row" is the primary key for the Row table.

I'm not able to create the following subqueries:

  (select ROW.column_bla_bla from ROW where ROW.id_head=HEAD.id_head order 
by ROW.id_row limit 0,1) as a_column_from_row,
  (select ROW.id_row from ROW where ROW.id_head=HEAD.id_head order by 
ROW.id_row limit 0,1) as first_id_row
from HEAD

The subqueries are inside the selected columns.

I'm using the last sqlalchemy version with MySql.

Thanks for your help

PS: I can get the same result with a different subquery, but I don't like 
it because it seems to me more complex: a subquery get the max_row_id and 
the min_row_id for each head_id, then I join it with HEAD, ROW as ROW_A and 
ROW as ROW_B and I get the columns I want.

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