I have two classes Contact and CompanyInfo that should exist in a 1:1
relation; CompanyInfo contains a comment related to Contact.  This works

class Contact(Base, KVC):
   _info = relation( 'CompanyInfo', 
                      uselist = False,
                      backref = backref( 'company_info_contact' ),
                      primaryjoin =
( 'CompanyInfo.parent_id==Contact.object_id' ) )

    comment = association_proxy( '_info', 'text',  )

- so that the "text" value of the CompanyInfo object is presented as the
"comment" value of the Contact.  This is awesome!  [The database
is-the-way-it-is, other apps use it this way, I can't change it].

Only caveat is if you somehow [those darn other apps...] end up with a
Contact with no corresponding CompanyInfo object.   Then accessing
Contact.comment bombs out.

Is there anyway to get the SQLalchemy model to automatically create a
CompanyInfo object if one is missing?

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