
I usually use MySQL to develop on, however I need to work with Postgres for the 
first time today so I fired it up.  I have a routine which converts a non-SQL 
database into the database of choice, converting its schema into a new table in 
the target database using SQA, and then copies all the data in the source 
database into the new SQL table.   

That all worked fine into the Postgres+pg8000 database.  My problem is when I 
then attempt to open up a table again using auto reflection I get an error I've 
never seen before, and I don't get how this can be, given the table was created 
via sqlalchemy?  The data looks fine in the table, and all columns are created 
as I expected (converting to the correct Postrgres column types etc.

Error when I issue   t = Table('my_table', meta, autoload=True) is; (sorry 
about the screen shot, I'm working in a bad RDP client and can't cut/paste into 
my Mac. :-(

So it appears to be having some problem in the reflection, but I can't see why 
- I hope there is a setting in the connection or something I can do to fix this 
up?  I've never used Postgres before, so I'm groping in the dark..   From 
Googling around, it appears that there is some issue with determining the 
schema or some such, but it's all assuming I know a lot more about Postgres 
than I do!


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