On Aug 13, 2012, at 1:44 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

> just wondering why i have to do :
>    sqlalchemy.sql.func.lower( class.column ) == string.lower()
> instead of :
>    class.column.lower() = string.lower()
> btw - i know in the archives people have mentioned doing an ilike
> search, but a "WHERE lower(column) = 'string'" search will search
> against a functioned index on postgres and I believe oracle.
> considerably faster on large data sets.

There's hundreds of SQL functions that accept a single expression as an 
argument.  SQLAlchemy's "func" system is designed so that in the vast majority 
of cases, these functions aren't explicit in SQLAlchemy itself, func.<NAME> 
just makes a new Function object with the name "<NAME>".

So promoting some subset of those functions to be directly present would 
require a clear rationale as to why those SQL functions need to be present on 
the Column.  Since they certainly can't all be.   Also adding two ways to do 
the same thing needs a really good reason.

The particular lower() comparison you have there isn't necessarily very 
generic.   Depending on the collation behavior of the database, it may not be 
necessary, or may not be enough to produce a faithful comparison if multibyte 
characters are in play.    For example, comparing unicode strings on MySQL 
(http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/charset-collate.html) might look like:

        _latin1 'Müller' COLLATE latin1_german2_ci = k

that's a lot more involved than a simple lower() call.  The real use case 
you're looking for here is "case insensitive comparison", perhaps an operator 
which just does "case insensitive compare" at once would be easier to use, and 
also easier to augment with custom behavior.

So there's a lot of questions to be asked about this use case, all of which is 
in light of that it is 100 times harder to remove a poorly considered feature 
than to add it.    

As a total coincidence, I'm working on an extensible operator system for core 
right now.  A user-defined "case insensitive compare" operation would be easy 
to define in this new system (and actually you could define one using 
comparator_factory at the ORM level right now anyway).   So a comparison such 
as the above, which might have edge cases that can't be met generically, might 
be better approached as a user-applied recipe.    That way you get the ease of 
use and full capability, without adding incomplete features to SQLA directly. 

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