
I have created a simple update like this on a PG database via PG8000;

table=Table('invoice_line_items', meta, autoload=True)
query = table.update()
query = query.where(and_(eq(table.c.InvBook, 'SC'), eq(table.c.InvNum,
12862), eq(table.c.InvLine, 1)))
query = query.values(**data)

I'm getting this error, and looking at the SQL (from the error message), I
can't see what is wrong or why PG is complaining.

('ERROR', '42712', 'table name "invoice_line_items" specified more than
once') u'UPDATE invoice_line_items SET "DocType"=%s, "LineType"=%s,
"Complete"=%s, "Group"=%s, "Product"=%s, "SerialNumber"=%s,
"Description"=%s, "Warehouse"=%s, "UnitCode"=%s, "UnitQty"=%s,
"Supplier"=%s, "Active"=%s, "Customer"=%s, "BillTo"=%s, "Date"=%s,
"ConsignmentFlag"=%s, "TaxFlag"=%s, "HiddenFlag"=%s, "JoinFlag"=%s,
"OrderQty"=%s, "ReserveQty"=%s, "BackorderQty"=%s, "InvoiceQty"=%s,
"ShippedQty"=%s, "Currency"=%s, "CostEach"=%s, "SellEach"=%s, "TotalEx"=%s,
"Total"=%s, "InputTax"=%s, "OutputTax"=%s, "TaxTotal"=%s,
"BudgetCostEx"=%s, "BudgetCostInc"=%s, "Weight"=%s, "GLRevenue"=%s,
"GLCost"=%s, "GLCostFrom"=%s, "PriceLevel"=%s, "OrderType"=%s,
"StatusCode"=%s, "ReasonCode"=%s, "LotNumber"=%s, "GST"=%s, "BookingID"=%s,
"StampDuty"=%s, "Insurance"=%s, "PriceSource"=%s, "SalesRep"=%s,
"ETADate"=%s, "CostCentreRevenue"=%s, "CostCentreCost"=%s,
"CostCentreCostFrom"=%s, "RebateRule"=%s, "CustOrderUnitCode"=%s,
"CustOrderQty"=%s, "FreightMode"=%s, "FreightExEach"=%s,
"FreightExApplied"=%s, "GLFreight"=%s, "BundleGroup"=%s,
"BundleOrderQty"=%s, "BundleComponentQty"=%s, "MinSell"=%s,
"DiscTaxApplyFlag"=%s, "yearWeek"=%s, "yearMonth"=%s, "yearQuarter"=%s,
colour=%s, "feeCode"=%s, "feeTotalEX"=%s FROM invoice_line_items WHERE
invoice_line_items."InvBook" = %s AND invoice_line_items."InvNum" = %s AND
invoice_line_items."InvLine" = %s' (u'C', u'P', u'Y', u'FIL', u'OBS3E',
u'', u'ORGANIC SUPREME SKIN ON', u'S01', u'KG', 1.0, u'MANDJ', u'Y',
u'S2550', u'S2550', datetime.date(2007, 6, 5), u'N', u'N', u'N', u'N',
-2.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, u'AUD', 0.0, 19.5, -46.8, -46.8, u'', u'N', 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, -2.4, u'101-30010-000', u'101-10530-000', u'101-10530-000', u'L',
u'', u'', u'', u'', 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, u'L', u'SAM', None, u'', u'', u'',
u'', u'KG', -2.4, u'', 0.0, 0.0, u'', u'', 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, u'', u'2007-22',
u'2007-06', u'2007-02', None, None, None, u'SC', 12862, 1)

Many thanks

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