Yeah, sounds very reasonable, my first thought was to isolate a session to 
each subprocess. 
The only reason I thought about working with detached objects is because 
I'm having trouble reproducing the problem, and I thought if I worked clean 
sessions, these problems shouldn't occur.

Thanks for your time Mike.


On Tuesday, 28 August 2012 16:25:47 UTC+2, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 2:54 AM, Jakob D. wrote: 
> > Shouldn't open transactions within the session close when I issue a 
> session.remove() 
> yes. 
> > 
> > Does an open transaction mean I cannot issue any queries at all before 
> closing them? 
> You can issue as many queries as you want at any time.  the transaction 
> accumulates state as these queries proceed.  The isolation level of the 
> transaction, which is usually configurable, determines how this transaction 
> will interact with other concurrent transactions going on, to what degree 
> concurrent data will be exposed, etc.     A good overview is at: 
> > The service is basically a set of subprocesses doing the same thing. 
> > After each iteration of the subprocess, the session is removed, and any 
> exceptions will issue a rollback. 
> OK, this is something you need to be careful with, if your program is 
> using fork() or some variant (subprocess, multiprocessing, etc).    A DBAPI 
> connection generally will not travel along process boundaries.   A Session 
> also, when passed across a process boundary, naturally creates a second 
> Session, since that's how child processes work.   If you are calling 
> close()/remove() only in the parent/child, you'd still have a second 
> Session where this has not been done. 
> Inside of a new fork(), you need to be creating a brand new engine using 
> create_engine(), which establishes connection state local to that fork.   
> Then you need to establish a brand new Session to go along with it.  If 
> you're using scoped_session(), making sure the registry has no Session when 
> the fork starts, by calling scoped_session.remove(), is a good idea. 
> Objects that are sent along the process boundary should be added to the 
> subprocess Session using either merge() or add(). 
> > Besides remove and commit, what can I do to close open transactions? A 
> commit should issue a flush?   
> close() the session, or remove(), it's done. 
> > 
> > I thought I should explicitly create a new session, in case the remove 
> fails and as you said, to make sure I'm using the session that's expected. 
> > I also thought about doing this for each query and then removing the 
> session right after, maybe working with detached objects. 
> > 
> > I thought this way, there should be no problems with the session being 
> in a undesirable state from a previous iteration since I'm always working 
> on a fresh session. 
> working with detached objects and many new sessions, such that you are 
> leaving the objects detached as their normal state and creating sessions 
> just for ad-hoc queries, is not a good way to approach the problem, and 
> works against the design of SQLAlchemy as well as the database itself.     
> When an object is detached, it pretty much shouldn't be used at all except 
> to store it in a cache, or to place it into another Session.   So if your 
> detached object pattern is just so that you can transfer objects over 
> subprocess boundaries, then its OK.  But the parent process and child 
> process should have just a single Session at a time (per thread, but I 
> assume you're not using threads).  When objects are in use, they should be 
> associated with a Session.  The lifespan of the Session should cover a 
> regular series of operations against a field of objects.     

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