On Sep 4, 2012, at 9:00 AM, Sean Davis wrote:

> I'm not sure there is a solution to this problem without changes to sphinx, 
> but here is what I've got.  In my __init__.py, I have:
> Session = sessionmaker()
> Base = declarative_base()
> def init_model(**kwargs):
>     """Initialize the database model
>     """
>     mydb = URL(drivername='mysql',
>                database='solexa',
>                query= { 'read_default_file' : '~/.my.cnf' },
>                **kwargs)
>     engine = create_engine(mydb)
>     Session.configure(bind=engine)
>     Base.metadata.bind=engine
>     import meltzdbtools.solexa.objects as objects
> Then, I have a bunch of classes in objects.py that look like:
> from meltzdbtools.solexa import Base
> class StudyFile(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'solexa_study_file'
>     __table_args__ = (
>         ForeignKeyConstraint(['study_id'], ['solexa_study.ID']),
>         ForeignKeyConstraint(['basecalllane_id'], 
> ['solexa_file.BasecallLane_ID']),
>         ForeignKeyConstraint(['library_id'], ['solexa_file.Library_ID']),
>         {"autoload":True})
>     study = relationship('Study')
> When I try to run automodule documentation on meltzdbtools.solexa.objects, of 
> course init_model() has not been run, so autoloading fails and Base is not 
> bound to an engine.  Any suggestions as to how to deal with this problem?

So the thoughts I can offer here are, it depends obviously if you want all the 
autoloaded mapped attributes to be part of your Sphinx documentation or not.   
If you did, then your sphinx build would need a database connection in order to 
work, and actually that seems like kind of a keen idea in some ways...but let's 
assume you just want the top-level classes documented.

We do have a feature you can use now which will do the reflection of all the 
tables after the models have been set up entirely.   In 0.7, it's a usage 
example under examples/declarative_reflection/declarative_reflection.py, and in 
0.8 it moves to be a fully supported feature of declarative.   If you converted 
your Base to be against DeclarativeReflectedBase, you can import all the 
classes anytime, and just need to do a prepare() step in your init_model.   A 
doc example is at 

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