On 17.9.2012 14:54, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2012, at 7:19 AM, Ladislav Lenart wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Imagine the following ORM definition in PostgreSQL:
>>    class Node(Base):
>>        __tablename__ = 'node'
>>        id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
>>        parent_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('node.id'))
>>        # more data...
>> with the following query method:
>>    def path_to_root(self, root_id=None, load_all=True):
>>        cls = self.__class__
>>        q_base = session.query(cls).filter(cls.id == self.id)
>>        q_cte = q_base.cte(name='q_cte', recursive=True)
>>        q_cte_alias = aliased(q_cte, name='q_cte_alias')
>>        cls_alias = aliased(cls, name='cls_alias')
>>        q_rec = session.query(cls_alias)
>>        q_rec = q_rec.filter(cls_alias.id == q_cte_alias.c.parent_id)
>>        q_rec = q_rec.filter(cls_alias.id != root_id)
>>        q_cte_union = q_cte.union_all(q_rec)
>>        q = session.query(cls).select_from(q_cte_union)
>>        q = q.options(joinedload_all(cls.foo, Foo.bar)) # <-- marked line
>>        return q
>> It should return path from the receiver node upwards to the root.
>> The query works as expected without the marked line. However the order of 
>> result
>> items is reversed when the marked line is present. I was under the impression
>> that joinedload option should not have observable side-effects.
>> Was I wrong?
> no, however I see something very conspicuously missing from your query above 
> with regard to ordering, which is an "order_by".    You can never rely on the 
> ordering of results from a relational database if ORDER BY is not explicitly 
> present in the query.   The means by which the database creates a query plan 
> out of the given clauses and executes them can change radically when extra 
> joins are added, thereby affecting the "natural" ordering of results.

Hm, I see. My train of thought: This particular query returns the path from a
selected node to the root. Each iteration adds one row to the result set (one
new parent). I thought that UNION ALL keeps the order intact and thus no
order_by clause is needed. I guess I was wrong.

I can add a depth/iteration column (via literal_column) and order_by it. However
I still want the results to be a list of Node instances (i.e. without the added
depth column). How can I write such a query?


Ladislav Lenart

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