You're absolutely correct, it was the relationship declaration that was my 
issue. Removing the lazy='joined' from the code removed the outer joins. 

I really appreciate the speedy and concise answer. Thank you very much!

On Monday, September 17, 2012 11:06:10 AM UTC-7, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Sep 17, 2012, at 1:38 PM, mjallday wrote:
> I also tried
>     Ledger.query.from_statement( 
> I would expect this to be fast since it's mapping the original columns in 
> the query to what the object expects. However, I'm having trouble with this 
> syntax and getting this error:
>      ** NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column 
> 'ledger.guid'"
> OK, try out tip, since there was a bug exactly in this area, that is 
> from_statement(union), that is fixed for 0.7.9.  there's also a bunch of 
> CTE-related fixes.
> This appears to be because the table is aliased as reference_ledger.
> So my questions are:
> 1. Am I writing the CTE in the wrong way to be the select_from method?
> Those LEFT OUTER JOINs look like you have lazy=False set up, or something, 
> since I don't see you otherwise specifying any joins.  I usually leave 
> joined-loads off at the relationship() level.  Especially if you're 
> self-referential, and dealing with CTEs and stuff, you don't want any 
> complexity enabled by default on your mappings.    That will probably fix 
> this issue.
> 2. How can I use the from_statement method to work with an aliased table?
> see above tip recommendation.

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