I am working with 2 models, a "Location" model, and a "Phone" model. There 
is a one-to-many relationship between them.

When a phone number is submitted, I need to format it using the 
phonenumbers modules, which requires a country code, which exists on the 
Location object. So the formatting can only happen after the flush(), as I 
need to have the location_id populated, so I can grab the country code from 
the parent Location. If the formatting of the phone number fails, I want 
the entire object eliminated and not written to the db.

This is the current (nonworking) code I am using.

@event.listens_for(Phone, 'before_insert', raw=True)
@event.listens_for(Phone, 'before_update', raw=True)
def save_phone(mapper, connection, target):
    phone = target.obj()
    country = object_session(phone) \
        .query(Location) \
        .get(phone.location_id) \
        number = phonenumbers.parse(phone.number, country)
        phone.number = phonenumbers.format_number(number,
        print 'failed on phone number %s' % phone.number

I'm not sure how to abort the insertion/update of the object. Is this even 
possible? Is there something I can put in the except section to cancel the 
pending commit of the object in question?

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