On Sep 20, 2012, at 11:49 AM, David McKeone wrote:

> I've googled around can't seem to find an answer to this, so hopefully 
> someone knows how to do it here.
> I'm using PostgreSQL and I have a PL/PGSQL function that filters and modifies 
> a particular table based on a number of conditions and then returns a set of 
> rows as the result.  This pattern has allowed the system to use the functions 
> as if they were tables so that joins can still be done on the resulting 
> values.
> So instead of:
> SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.t2_id = table2.id
> I do:
> SELECT * FROM my_function( ...args... ) as table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON 
> table1.t2_id = table2.id
> That part works ok in plain SQL (and as well in the system I'm converting 
> from)
> So now with SQLAlchemy I have my declarative definitions for those tables:
> class Table1(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'table1'
>    id = Column()
>    t2_id = Column(ForeignKey())
>    table2 = Relationship( ... )  # Join condition is specified explicitly
> class Table2(Base);
>    __tablename__ = 'table2'
>    id = Column()
> and I'm trying to figure out how I would execute a query that looks like this:
> result = 
> session.query(Table1).join(Table1.table2).options(contains_eager(Table1.table2))
> but using a function to 'fake' Table1 instead.  So basically I'm attempting 
> to get SQLAlchemy to treat the result of my function as if it was the normal 
> Table1 object.  I've tried using select_from() to inject my call to 
> func.my_function() but that doesn't seem to work and since what I'm doing 
> seems like it might be tricky (or not portable across SQL) I thought I'd ask 
> if it's even possible.
> Thanks for any help!

Perhaps the easiest way is to create a view:

CREATE VIEW table1 AS SELECT * FROM my_function(...);


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