I ended up going with your recipe and this is my final result:

class NoDeletedQuery(Query):
    Subclass query and provide a pre-fabricated WHERE clause that is
    applied to all queries.

    It uses the enable_assertions() method available in SA v0.5.6 and
    above to bypass the Query object's usual checks.

    From: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/PreFilteredQuery

    def get(self, ident):
        # override get() so that the flag is always checked in the
        # DB as opposed to pulling from the identity map. - this is
        return Query.get(self.populate_existing(), ident)

    def __iter__(self):
        return Query.__iter__(self._criterion_filter())

    def from_self(self, *ent):
        # override from_self() to automatically apply
        # the criterion too.   this works with count() and
        # others.
        return Query.from_self(self._criterion_filter(), *ent)

    def _criterion_filter(self):
        # get the mapper here
        mzero = self._mapper_zero()
        # if its a mapped class and our criteria is satisfied..
        if mzero is not None and 'deleted_at' in mzero.mapped_table.c:
            table = mzero.mapped_table
            not_deleted_q = select([table]).where(table.c.deleted_at ==
            # need an alias to use this as a mapper because some dbs don't
            # support anonymous sub queries and sqlalchemy enforces.
            not_deleted_q = not_deleted_q.alias()
            return self.enable_assertions(False).select_from(not_deleted_q)
            return self

Thanks for the tip!

I'm now encountering another issue -- how can I ignore this query class on
certain relationships? You can pass the query_class keyword argument to the
relationship, but it's only for dynamic relationships. How can I change
this behavior?

Thanks again!

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>wrote:

> On Sep 24, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Mahmoud Abdelkader wrote:
> I wanted to know some views about the soft-delete (anti?) pattern and
> whether or not I'm going about it the right way in my code base.
> We have a piece of code:
> class NoDeletedQuery(Query):
>     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
>         if args and hasattr(args[0][0], "deleted_at"):
>             return Query(*args, **kwargs).filter_by(deleted_at=None)
>         else:
>             return object.__new__(cls)
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(query_cls=NoDeletedQuery))
> This is pretty obvious, just auto adds a filter that ignores the deleted
> at, but, I think this is a very hard thing to get right, especially with
> joins and whatnot. This works, but I would like to know what's the
> recommended idiom? I looked at this stack overflow question:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/920724/the-right-way-to-auto-filter-sqlalchemy-queries
> the recipe we have in this regard is similar and is here:
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/PreFilteredQuery
> however, it is still pretty simplistic and doesn't produce the
> sub-selectable you prefer here.
> A hybrid of both approaches can be achieved with select_from():
> class SomeQuery(Query):
>    def __new__(cls, *arg, **kw):
>         if (<we should use deleted_at>):
>             return Query(*arg,
> **kw).select_from(select([table]).where(table.c.deleted_at==None).alias())
>        else:
>             return object.__new__(cls)
> that is, query(cls).select_from(selectable) is roughly equivalent to
> having a mapper() against "cls" that's mapped to "selectable".
> Though the ORM still uses query() internally and I'm not sure that will
> get around the object deleted exception you're getting.     It's also not
> clear why you'd be getting that exception anyway, unless you are trying to
> access an object which corresponds to a row that's marked "deleted".   Only
> a full stack trace and preferably a simple reproducing case would show
> exactly why it's getting there.
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