On Sep 26, 2012, at 1:33 PM, Shawn Wheatley wrote:

> I have the following ORM class defined:
> class CiAcctK(DeclarativeBase):
>     __tablename__ = 'ci_acct_k'
>     __table_args__ = {}
>     #column definitions
>     acct_id = Column(u'acct_id', CHAR(length=10), 
> ForeignKey('ci_acct.acct_id'), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>     env_id = Column(u'env_id', NUMERIC(precision=6, scale=0), 
> primary_key=True, nullable=False)
> I'm trying to use this class in a script to copy selected records from my 
> production database (PROD) into my testing/development (DEV) instances. The 
> "env_id" column is defined per environment--for ease we'll say PROD is "4" 
> and DEV is "1". I was looking for the quickest way to set all "env_id" values 
> to "1" as they are either read from PROD or before they are inserted into DEV.
> The issue is when I have an account that already exists in the DEV. If I had 
> the record {acct_id: 1, env_id: 1} in DEV, I could read in a row from PROD 
> with { acct_id: 1, env_id: 4} and attempting to insert will trigger a unique 
> constraint violation (a separate constraint from the key constraints defined 
> above).
> My first attempt was to write a before_insert/before_update event handler:
> @event.listens_for(CiAcctK, "before_update")
> @event.listens_for(CiAcctK, "before_insert")
> def CiAcctK_gen_default(mapper, connection, instance):
>     instance.env_id = ENV_ID   #ENV_ID=1
> I saw "env_id" being updated to 1, but SQLAlchemy isn't aware of the non-key 
> constraint and still tries to INSERT the updated row. Now there is a key 
> constraint violation--both "acct_id" and "env_id" are identical to an 
> existing row.

the most idiomatic way to handle this is to merge the objects in:

obj = session.merge(existing_object)

this will emit a SELECT for the existing row, then copy the state of 
"existing_object" to an object located for that primary key, if found.    It 
ensures that the correct choice of "pending" or "persistent" is made depending 
on if the row already exists.

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