I tried the example you showed in the last post and it worked. Thank you so 

I know this is a very uncommon use case, so I really appreciate the help.

Thanks again,

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 5:26:40 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2012, at 5:42 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Oct 9, 2012, at 2:17 PM, Benjamin Gonzalez wrote:
> Thanks for the valuable suggestions. You are actually correct: the scheme 
> that they are using is sharding across tables, that's why the structure is 
> the same.
> And the way I was setting things up is very similar to the example you 
> mentioned (http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/EntityName) 
> so that I could query multiple table names using the same class. I put 
> together a small example that using that and a simplified version of 
> Manager and Engineer. Constructing the union the way you suggested works 
> (the criterion goes in the subquery's WHERE clause instead of outside of 
> the union). 
> SELECT anon_1.manager_employee_id AS anon_1_manager_employee_id, 
> anon_1.manager_name AS anon_1_manager_name 
> FROM (SELECT manager.employee_id AS manager_employee_id, manager.name AS 
> manager_name 
> FROM manager 
> WHERE manager.name = :name_1 UNION ALL SELECT engineer.employee_id AS 
> engineer_employee_id, engineer.name AS engineer_name 
> FROM engineer 
> WHERE engineer.name = :name_2) AS anon_1
> But now the problem seems to be that SQLAlchemy will only return rows 
> matching the first class. 
> Here's the example code. In this case there is 1 row in the manager & 
> engineer tables that contains the name "test". After constructing the 
> union, I was hoping the query would return two results but it will only 
> return one. However if I run count() on the query, it correctly states that 
> there are two rows. Am I missing something else?
> Unfortunately what you're trying to do is nearly impossible.    I spent 
> about an hour trying to come up with any kind of workaround; the only 
> workaround, which barely works, is attached.     Concrete inheritance is 
> required since you're looking to load polymorphically, and some direct 
> manipulation of column expressions is needed so that the "polymorphic" 
> lookup works.  Maybe it will be useful, though I don't know if this 
> approach can handle more complexity than what we have in the current "hello 
> world" version you see here.
> I'd need to add new ORM features and apis to make this possible (the irony 
> when people say we have too many features).    I don't necessarily have a 
> plan for how this feature would be supported, though.  It's kind of turning 
> the usual ORM loading interaction inside-out.
> this variation also works in 0.8 without using any unofficial APIs, still 
> poking around with it:
> e_ = literal_column("'engineer'").label('pjoin_type')
> m = literal_column("'manager'").label('pjoin_type')
> u = s.query(Engineer, e_).filter(Engineer.name.in_(['e2', 'e3']))
> u2 = s.query(Manager, m).filter(Manager.name.in_(['m2', 'm3']))
> u = union_all(u, u2)
> q = s.query(Employee).with_polymorphic('*', u, 
> polymorphic_on=u.c.pjoin_type).from_statement(u)
> print q.all()

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