I'm trying to write a query against Postgres and it's driving me a bit
mad.  Hoping someone here can help.

I'm make the example in something topical... voting!

       candidate_id (fkey on Candidate)
       yay (bool)

With this structure, I'm trying to find the distinct Candidates IDs
that have voted 'Yay'

I thought i would accomplish it by querying the Candidate.id, joining
the Vote and filtering/sorting on that.

That sort of works.

The problem with the query, is that it seems to be giving me distinct
"votes" -- ie, distinct on the join of the 2 tables

Is there a way to get a distinct limit on the Candidate.id field
only ?

I tried padding in Candidate.id into the distinct() option, but then
Postgres wants me to fill it with all the different query params that
are used - which is normal in raw postgres, but a little scare in an
ORM where you're not necessarily concerned with ever knowing/seeing
the raw sql

anyone have an idea on how to proceed ?

( fwiw, my interim fix is to just turn the returned ids into a set in
python , that works but gives unreliable items-per-page in
pagination )

query = dbSession.query( Candidate.id )\
    .join( Vote )\
        model.core.Candidate.id == model.core.Vote.candidate_id ,
        model.core.Vote.yay == True ,

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