On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:59 PM, Ladislav Lenart <lenart...@volny.cz> wrote:
> Hello.
> Suppose I have the following query:
> def people_older_than(age):
>     q = session.query(Person).order_by(Person.name)
>     q = q.filter(Person.age > age)
>     return q
> It returns a subset of Person instances. How can I augment the query so it
> returns only their count? I.e.:
> def number_of_people_older_than(age)
>     q = people_older_than(21)
>     q_count = q    # Apply some magic here.
>     return q_count.scalar()
> Thank you in advance,
> Ladislav Lenart

I don't think any magic is required. Does this work for you:

def number_of_people_older_than(age)
    q = people_older_than(age)
    return q.count()

See also http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/tutorial.html#counting


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