> the company I worked for has decided to change a RDBMS behind our ERP.
> The side effect of this is that the columns will no longer be prefixed
> with *t$*
> but with* t_* instead. I do not want to change all the occurences of
> column
> names in my code. I should also mention, that I use only selects, and no
> ORM.
> [...]

> But I'd probably not be using that approach either.    Column objects
> support a "key" field so that they need not be referenced in code in the
> same way the relational database does; one of the primary purposes of
> Column is to allow symbolic names to prevent the issue of needing to
>  "change all occurrences" of any schema-related name in code:
> my_table = Table('some_name', metadata, Column('t$somename', Integer,
> key='somename'))
Thanks for the pointers Mike. Just to clarify: The first argument to Column
the real name of the column in the database, while key is an alternative
under which I can access it, right?

I have been unlucky with mssql, where the first part - the table definition
and making queries worked, but not accessing data in RowProxy using the
key. I guess there is a bug in dialects/mssql/base.py
in MSSQLCompiler.visit_column:

                 if result_map is not None:
                     result_map[column.name.lower()] = \
-                                    (column.name, (column, ),
+                                    (column.name, (column, column.name,

                 return super(MSSQLCompiler, self).\
(also attaching...)

Thanks again.

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