On Nov 16, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Clemens Herschel, III wrote:

>  In a pyramid application:
> In models.py: DBSession= 
> scoped_session(sessionmaker(extensions=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
>  In view:   dbsession = DBSession
>                def add(request):
>     #get implant1
>                dbsession.add(implant)
>                transaction.commit()
>              dbsession = DBsession
> This works fine on first add. On second call to add, the first implant object 
> is updated rather than an object added as I would expect from the sqlalchemy 
> session docs .  Using a new session after the commit is suggested in the 
> zope-sqlalchemy docs to achieve this. The user in this application might do 
> repeated adds into many tables  in one request .
> So because I  want to use more than one session per request, I should not use 
> Zope-SQLAlchemy extension but SQLAlchemy  ScopedSession helper class. Is that 
> correct? Please excuse any misuse of terminology. Thanks for pointing me in 
> the right direction.
> Using SQLAlchemy0.7.3
> zope-sqlalchemy0.6.1

there's misunderstanding here - whether an INSERT or UPDATE is emitted is based 
on the state of the object passed to session.add(), whether transient (INSERT) 
or detached (will become persistent and UPDATE will be emitted for changes).   
These states are documented here: 
 .    A transient object is only created via the constructor, "implant = 
Implant()", or if a detached "implant" object is made transient again using the 
make_transient() helper function.   Else your object is "detached" or 
"persistent" and refers to an existing row and can only invoke an UPDATE or 
DELETE statement.

The code here doesn't describe what "implant" is, or where it comes from, or 
what exactly "doesn't work fine" means as I don't see a second call to "add()" 
here and I don't have detail on the context in which this code excerpt is 

There's a vague suggestion here that perhaps you're doing some kind of 
master/slave/replication type of thing "the user might do repeated adds into 
many tables in one request", there's different ways to approach that of which 
using multiple Session objects bound to each engine is just one, though a 
single Session can be made to refer to multiple engines simultaneously (see 
 for one example).

make_transient() may be a worthy helper here or even just a simple "copy()" 
method on your "implant" object to make new transient instances.

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