I hacked alembic recently, but I have no bitbucket account, and I think my
hacks maybe not very good, so I fork the alembic repo in github(someone
create it, but the version is not the lastest), so I upgrade my fork to
0.4.0 first, then push my hacks. Maybe it has some useful for you. What
I've done?

This is the changeset

I've done two places:

1. Fix PickleType code bug
2. Format some types to unified string format, so that the comparetype will
more accurately, for example: decimal will be convert to Numeric, and
varchar will skip unicodesoncvert parameter, etc.

The patch works only for me now, and I just test it in mysql.

I like python!
UliPad <<The Python Editor>>: http://code.google.com/p/ulipad/
UliWeb <<simple web framework>>: https://github.com/limodou/uliweb
My Blog: http://my.oschina.net/limodou

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