Hi, Michael Bayer. 
Thanks, that example is really helpful.

In your example I used 
 to verify that main_method 
and method1 running in two different sessions.
But my test result showing that main_method and method1 running in same 
I think, we can check this using method *Session.object_session** *, I am 
not sure about that.

* added following code in main_method
    s1 = Session.object_session(db_obj1)
    print "=======main_method====session=====", vars(s1)

* added following code in method1
    s2 = Session.object_session(db_obj2)
    print "=======method1====session=====", vars(s2)


*=======main_method====session=====* " {'autocommit': False, 'autoflush': 
True, 'transaction': <sqlalchemy.orm.session.SessionTransaction object at 
0x22a5f90>, *'hash_key': 36330896*, 'expire_on_commit': True, '_new': {}, 
'bind': Engine(mysql://root:cvt@localhost/cvt_ee), '_deleted': {}, 
'_flushing': False, 'identity_map': {(<class '__main__.A'>, (1L,)): 
<sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x22a5c90>}, 
'_enable_transaction_accounting': True, 'extensions': [], '_identity_cls': 
<class 'sqlalchemy.orm.identity.WeakInstanceDict'>, 'twophase': False, 
'_Session__binds': {}, '_query_cls': <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query'>, 
'_mapper_flush_opts': {}}

=======method1====session===== {'autocommit': False, 'autoflush': True, 
'transaction': <sqlalchemy.orm.session.SessionTransaction object at 
0x2073190>,* 'hash_key': 36330896,* 'expire_on_commit': True, '_new': {}, 
'bind': Engine(mysql://root:cvt@localhost/cvt_ee), '_deleted': {}, 
'_flushing': False, 'identity_map': {(<class '__main__.A'>, (2L,)): 
<sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x2073550>, (<class 
'__main__.A'>, (1L,)): <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 
0x22a5c90>}, '_enable_transaction_accounting': True, 'extensions': [], 
'_identity_cls': <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.identity.WeakInstanceDict'>, 
'twophase': False, '_Session__binds': {}, '_query_cls': <class 
'sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query'>, '_mapper_flush_opts': {}}

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