Hi Diana,

thank you for your help, but unfortunately my problem still exists. 
In my case the lazy attribute for the myChildren relationship has 
absolutely no effect!
At this point one more information is important: I build and populate the 
database with one session, and then open a new session and call 
If you populate the database with one session, and then call showDatabase 
with the same (now not empty) session, 
then the instances are already in the session and sqlalchemy don't fire new 
queries for access to the myChildren attribute of human.
So, it is important to call showDatabase with an empty session to reproduce 
my issue. 

One more information could be important:
If I load a woman instance and access myChildren with: 

woman = session.query(Woman).one()
print woman.myChildren

then sqlalchemy emits an extra sql query on the access to myChildren and 
ignore my lazy='subquery' or lazy='joined' parameter for the mychildren 
relationship configuration.
But if I modify the query like this:

woman = session.query(Woman).options(subqueryload('myChildren')).one()
print woman.myChildren

then sqlalchemy load the woman and all children at once! Exactly what I 
But this makes completely no sense to me, i thought that subqueryload() 
just overload the load strategie for a relationship.
So myChildren = relationship('Child', secondary=link_table, 
lazy='subquery') and subqueryload('myChildren') should be equivalent.
Why is there a difference?

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