On Nov 28, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Torsten Landschoff wrote:

> We are using it for a third reason:
> If highly concurrent reads are desired against the SQLite database, it is 
> advised that the autoflush feature be disabled, and potentially even that 
> autocommit be re-enabled, which has the effect of each SQL statement and 
> flush committing changes immediately. 

OK, I'd set this on the SQLite connection itself using the "autocommit" option: 
basically setting isolation_level=None.  You can do this in connect_args to 
create_engine() or in a pool "on connect" event.   I'd keep the Session in 
"autocommit=False", and still have the app run using "commit" as a signal that 
"we're done with the work we're doing".   that doc should be improved.

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