D'oh!  And I had just been reading the docs about a commit expiring loaded 
object instances, which is what the refresh() would have done.  So the mere 
accessing of that User object instance (say, UserObj.name=newNameFromEdit, 
or temp=UserObj.name) would first trigger a reload of that User from the 
database, once I've committed my lock-obtaining inserts to the Locks table 
based on an initial Users query.  

By the way, add me to the list of grateful SQLAlchemy users.  I've played 
with Doctrine in PHP a bit, and if nothing else the SQLA documentation is 
miles better.  As a starter it is mainly a magical way of replacing writing 
a pile of tedious CRUD, and as someone who has hazy memories of things like 
the original Btrieve, an ORM is almost unsporting... :)

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