On 6/12/2012, at 5:26 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

> On Dec 4, 2012, at 6:27 PM, Derek Harland wrote:
>> Yes
>>> In that case, how does SQL server make the distinction?
>> If things have an embedded "." then SQL server would ideally make the 
>> distinction based on you quoting the database/schema names.  This could be 
>> done in the Transact-SQL manner:
>>  [database].[example.schema.with.dots].[table]
>> or via ANSI sql quoting.
>>  "database"."example.schema.with.dots"."table"
>> The MSSQL dialect currently quotes identifiers using the T-SQL standard
>>> If the DB has:
>>> database A -> schema B -> table C
>>> database DEFAULT -> schema A.B -> table C
>>> then what does SQL server consider "A.B.C" to mean ?
>> By default, unless any identifier is quoted then A.B.C will be read to mean 
>> database.schema.table.  ie database A -> schema B -> table C.
>> To path to the latter you'd need to use [A.B].C or "A.B".C.
> So, the quotes are *required* in order for SQL Server to see that "A.B" is 
> the schemaname, right ?   Meaning, "<database>.<schema>" is the default, 
> "<schema with dots>" is the exception case.   

That's how it appears from my testing.

> In that case, a schema name with a dot in it is not supported at all right 
> now - unless you embedded quotes into it (doesn't SQL Server use [] for 
> quotes also?)   I'm not sure how this is a regression - are you saying that a 
> schema name with a dot in it *does* work in 0.7 and is interpreted as just 
> schema name?

Hmm ... I imagine it absolutely *doesn't* work in most of the api, as you note 
below.  I struck a problem in the reflection part of the api ... where I was 
generating a model from an existing database to use with alembic and doing 
something like:

        # get_schema_names returns the schemas in only the database we are 
connected to in both 0.7 and 0.8
       inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine) 
        for schema in inspector.get_schema_names():
                # this loop will work in 0.7 and fail in 0.8 
                # because in 0.8 it will split a schema called x.y into 
database x, schema y
                # and look for all views in [x].[y]
                # Whereas in 0.7 it looks in [x.y]
                for name in inspector.get_view_names(schema)
                        inspector.get_view_definition(name, schema)

> The key here is that SQL server I am assuming is *not* doing logic like, 
> "check for DBname A, if not present then assume schema name is 'A.B'".

I've tested that ... it definitely doesn't.  

>> Personally, if I call get_view_names(..., schema="A.B") ... I'd expect it to 
>> be looking in schema A.B in the current database.  If I wanted to look in 
>> another database I'd expect to be calling something like get_view_names(..., 
>> schema="B", dbname="A") probably.
> The "schema" parameter has for a while now supported the idea of allowing 
> dotted names to be present, and while it is called "schema", it really means, 
> "dotted qualifier for the Table".   For example when you use it with SQLite, 
> that's not a "schema", its a different database file setup using ATTACH.    
> So right now, we have users using Table like this:
> Table("mytable", metadata, schema="dbname.schemaname")
> and that works in 0.7 as well, it's just reflection that doesn't work there.  
>  And since we know that "A.B.C" without extra quotes means 
> "dbname.schema.table", the interpretation of "schema" as "dbname.schemaname" 
> is not new at all in 0.8.    With quotes required, the feature of supporting 
> a schema name with a dot in it is not supported at all in 0.7 either.
> Support for schema names with dots in them seems like it would entirely be a 
> feature add.     Let's take it over to 
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2626.

I wonder if a solution here is to somehow allow the "schema" argument to also 
be given as a tuple.  eg 
        schema="x.y"  would generate a DDL path as x.y
        schema=["x.y"]  would generate a DDL path as [x.y]
        schema=["a.b", "x.y"]  would generate a DDL path as [a.b].[x.y]

Thus eg MSIdentifierPreparer.quote_schema could be something like:

    def quote_schema(self, schema, force=True):
        """Prepare a quoted table and schema name."""
        if not isinstance(schema, (list, tuple)):
            schema = schema.split('.')
        result = '.'.join([self.quote(x, force) for x in schema])
        return result

then _owner_plus_db could special case on whether schema is a list.


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