
I hope everyone's keeping well. It's been ages since I've been on the list. 
I do use SQLAlchemy from time to time, but now it generally works so well, 
that I don't have any questions to ask!

But I would appreciate some thoughts on the approach I've taken with a 
multi-tennant SaaS web app. It's a multichannel stock management system for 
online retailers. All the user data is attached to a merchant - products, 
variations, categories, orders, etc. It's important that one merchant 
cannot access data belonging to another merchant. When handling a request, 
the active merchant can be determined from the logged-in user, which is 
kept in thread local storage.

So I started with lots of code like:
    db.Order.query.filter_by(merchant_id = twa.get_user().merchant_id)
Now, this is fine, but it's repetitive, and it's risky for security - it 
just takes me to forget one filter_by merchant_id and we've got a security 

So, what I wanted to do is create a custom session that will do this 
automatically. It needs to do two things:
 1) Any query object against an entity that has a merchant_id property is 
filtered on that
 2) Any new object that has a merchant_id property has the property 
automatically set
I don't think a session extension can do (1), so I created MySession 
subclassing Session, and passed this as class_ to sessionmaker. Here's my 
initial attempt at MySession:

    class MySession(sa.orm.Session):
        def query(self, *entities, **kwargs):
            query = super(MySession, self).query(*entities, **kwargs)
            for e in entities:
                if e.tables[0].name == 'user':
                if e.has_property('merchant_id') and twa.get_user():
                    query = query.filter(e.class_.merchant_id == 
            return query

Now, I faced on major problem - seeing these errors:

    InvalidRequestError: Query.get() being called on a Query with existing 

As a temporary workaround, I edited query.py and disabled the check that 
causes this. That's got me going for now, although obviously a proper fix 
is needed. I haven't actually attempted (2) yet, but I will be trying that 

I'd really appreciate some feedback on this, particularly ideas to fix the 
InvalidRequestError. I think this is a very powerful technique that would 
be useful to many developers. Once my app is working I will see about 
writing a tutorial on the matter.

Many thanks,


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