On Dec 7, 2012, at 4:01 PM, junepeach wrote:

> Thank you Mike and Audrius, this is very helpful. I have  installed  
> SQLAlchemy 0.8.0b1 and tried the code Mike gave to me:
> Base = declarative_base()
> def character_type(length):
>     return String(length).with_variant(String(length, 
> collation='utf8_general_ci'), 'mysql').with_variant(String(length, 
> collation='NOCASE'), 'sqlite')
> Atable = Table("atable", Base.metadata,
>     Column("name", character_type(200))
>     )
> It works in sqlalchemy, but not in alembic.
> after running 'alembic revision --autogenerate', and got migration code:
> def upgrade():
>     ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
>     op.create_table('atable',
>     sa.Column('name', sa.Variant(length=200), nullable=True),
>     sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint()
>     )

OK, Alembic autogen isn't doing __repr__() for  "variant" correctly right now, 
we can look into that (added http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2628) , for 
now you'd need to put your character_type() into the migration scripts 
manually, or subclass TypeDecorator to do it:

from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator

class character_type(TypeDecorator):
    def __init__(self, length):
        self.impl = String(length).with_variant(... everything from before ...)

   def __repr__(self):
        return "character_type(%d)" % self.impl.length

> Surely 'Variant' is strange to me, but I have no idea, then I got below after 
> I typed command 'alembic upgrade head':
> INFO  [alembic.migration] Context impl MySQLImpl.
> INFO  [alembic.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
> INFO  [alembic.migration] Running upgrade None -> 1ba36c080bdb
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/bin/alembic", line 9, in <module>
>     load_entry_point('alembic==0.3.6', 'console_scripts', 'alembic')()
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/config.py",
>  line 229, in main
>     **dict((k, getattr(options, k)) for k in kwarg)
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/command.py",
>  line 121, in upgrade
>     script.run_env()
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/script.py",
>  line 192, in run_env
>     util.load_python_file(self.dir, 'env.py')
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/util.py",
>  line 185, in load_python_file
>     module = imp.load_source(module_id, path, open(path, 'rb'))
>   File "alembic/env.py", line 76, in <module>
>     run_migrations_online()
>   File "alembic/env.py", line 69, in run_migrations_online
>     context.run_migrations()
>   File "<string>", line 7, in run_migrations
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/environment.py",
>  line 467, in run_migrations
>     self.get_context().run_migrations(**kw)
>   File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/alembic-0.3.6-py2.7.egg/alembic/migration.py",
>  line 211, in run_migrations
>     change(**kw)
>   File "alembic/versions/1ba36c080bdb_.py", line 25, in upgrade
>     sa.Column('name', sa.Variant(length=200), nullable=True),
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Variant'
> Did alembic  accept user defined data type? Can I get it to my alembic 
> migration script?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> On Friday, December 7, 2012 11:28:01 AM UTC-5, Audrius Kažukauskas wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-12-06 at 17:43:45 -0800, junepeach wrote: 
> > How to upgrade to a newer sqlalchemy version? I can not find a related 
> > document. Should I just use pip to install the current one? Will both 
> > version conflict? 
> The answer depends on how and where SA is installed already.  The best 
> way IMHO is to use separate virtualenvs for each of your projects (if 
> you're not doing this already).  Since SQLAlchemy 0.8 is not released 
> yet, you'd need to issue pip (from within virtualenv) as follows: 
>   pip install -U -e 
> hg+https://bitbucket.org/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy#egg=SQLAlchemy 
> -- 
> Audrius Kažukauskas 
> http://neutrino.lt/ 
> -- 
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