Previously, I use SQLA 0.7.2 on Jython for production and it works
great for almost one year deployment until recently I manage to
upgrade to 0.7.8. With this new version, I noticed a constant
performance degradation mostly after serveral hours running,
eventually overall system become almost unusable when a single query
takes almost 10 second to complete. I have not examine in detail
however, but temporarily revert the upgrade back to 0.7.2 to let the
everything works.

As this still a preliminary issue to me, anybody here ever notice the
same problem? or is there any clue before i put some effort in
examining this? Had tried to google but found nothing. I use SQLA as
our ORM backbone in a middleware server running on Java.

Almost nothing changed when we were upgrading SQLA except for Jython
which should be upgraded from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 to fix SQLA import
problem. Other technology stack used:

* JDK 1.6
* Jetty 6
* Jython 2.5.3
* SQLA 0.7.8
* SQL Elixir 0.7.1


-Jaimy Azle

“+1 for stating fact: Perl is dead. Please 
    don't bring it back” – Matt Joiner
“-1 for spreading FUD about perl. It's 
    absolutely not dead.” – Daenyth
“+1 + -1 = 0, then, is perl a zombie?” – joaquin

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