Thank you, I'll try that.


From: [] On
Behalf Of Michael Bayer
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] Keeping open connections alive


if you want to go that route I'd use the connection events to hit every
DBAPI connection as it's created, and store them in a weak-referencing


import weakref

from sqlalchemy import event

from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine


connections = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()


@event.listens_for(Engine, "connect")

def connect(dbapi_conn, conn_rec):

    connections[dbapi_conn] = True



# this would run in a worker thread or other asynchronous system

def refresh():

   for conn in connections:

        cursor = conn.cursor()

        cursor.execute("select 1")



there's a slight chance of unsupported concurrent access with the above
pattern, esp. if you're using a non-threadsafe DBAPI like MySQLdb.   If so,
you might want to also keep track of connections as they are checked out and
checked in using the "checkin", "checkout" events, and only do the "ping" if
a connection is not in "checkout" state.








On Dec 23, 2012, at 11:03 AM, Alexey Vihorev wrote:

Hi, all!

I've got a problem in my GUI app - if a connection stayes open for too long,
and is inactive (user opened an editing window and went away for a cofee
brake etc), firewall/other network machinery will close the connection and
the session will fail with 'connection abnormally terminated'. So I'm trying
to come up with a best way to handle  that, and for now I've settled with
using timer and executing session.connection().execute('select now()') every
minute or so, but that requires handling of each session\connection
individually. Can I get a list of all open connections for an engine,
iterate over them and do execute('select now()')? Thanks.


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