I would like to generate this query:

        SELECT a.pk, aa.response
        FROM attendee as "a"
            JOIN field as "f" on f.conference_pk = a.conference_pk
            LEFT JOIN attendee_answer as "aa" ON aa.field_pk = f.pk
                AND aa.attendee_pk = a.pk;

Using the ORM, I came up with:

        onclause = and_(
            AttendeeAnswer.field_pk==Field.pk, AttendeeAnswer.attendee_pk
== Attendee.pk

        query = self.session.query(Attendee).join(
                Field, Field.conference_pk == Attendee.conference_pk
            (AttendeeAnswer, onclause)
            Attendee.conference_pk == conference_pk

        results = query.all()

But this returns separate ORM objects, but in this specific case I would
just like the results in a list containing the data results, rather than
individual ORM objects.   Is there a way to do this or should I just pass
my select statement to execute?

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