On Jan 3, 2013, at 12:51 PM, sjo...@congressus.nl wrote:

> Hi, 
> I have one set of tables and I want to automate the insertion of the 
> company_id in queries at certain tables. So I need to define in the models 
> which tables are effected, no worries there, but where do I need to implement 
> the query manipulation? The SQLAlchemy object is shared between different 
> requests (as the configuration remains te same). But the session is 
> different, as the company_id differs between sessions. 
> Where and how do I implement the query manipulation?!

its not clear what usage pattern you're looking for here.   Lets start with the 
obvious, putting "company_id" in a query:

        session.query(SomeObject).filter(SomeObject.company_id == 5)

easy enough.

Now what exactly do you want it to look like?


        session_one.query(SomeClassOne)  -> automatically put company_id = 8
        session_two.query(SomeClassTwo)   -> automatically put company_id = 15


if I'm given "session_one" and "SomeClassOne", what is the "company_id" for 
that ?    

There's a pattern for auto-querying of a certain column at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/PreFilteredQuery .   But this 
doesn't get into how to determine where the custom criterion would come from.

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