I recently (today) ran into an issue that has me perplexed as to how to
resolve it,
so I'm asking here to see if anyone can shed some insight.  Hopefully I can
plain it clearly enough to make me not sound completely incompetent...

I currently have an application that during it's run starts a session via
to one of our databases and keeps it available until the program exits.
During this
time it does multiple changes (primarily inserts and updates) to the
database, but
of course nothing is actually written to the database until a commit() is
done.  The
problem is that there are times when I have a single change that must be
in the database immediately due to external resources needing to access to
updated/new information.

Initially I thought that using 'begin_nested()' .. 'commit()' would
accomplish this
(possibly naively), but found out today in a very bad way that it did not;
after re-
reading the documentation this became abundantly clear.  Further analysis
of my
current code revealed that I actually do not need to have 'isolated'
commits from
within a transaction, but I have this feeling as I expand my usage of the
I've created to deal with the database access I may find a need for this;
the only
other option is to keep track of every single change in any application
that re-
quires this and create a 'reverse' set of changes if I need to rollback.

So this leads to the question: is there any way to do an 'isolated' commit
within a session and if so, how is it done?  As an alternative, is there a
way to
use temporary new sessions to accomplish the same thing?  My current use
in my application is I have a 'Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())'
in a module which I import wherever I need it (essentially as a singleton)
to be
able to access the same session throughout the code.  This would of course
need to change, at least with an application requiring such 'sub commits'.

If any further clarification is needed on the above, please don't hesitate
to ask,
and I thank folks in advance for any assistance they can give.

- Ken Lareau

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