_tuple() is fine,
Thanks Michael :-)

Michael Bayer wrote:
On Jan 3, 2013, at 2:40 AM, jo wrote:

Hi all,

I need to use in_(), but in oracle it has a limit of 1000 values,
there's an alternative syntax that can be used successful in oracle and it is:
(field,-1) in ( (123,-1), (333,-1), ... )

I tryed this:
session.query(Mytable).filter((Mytable.c.id,-1).in_([(123,-1),(333,-1)]) )

AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'in_'

How can I use this syntax with sa?

I usually handle the Oracle 1000 value limit by running the same query multiple 
times, then merging in memory.

But if you want to do (a, b) IN ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...) there's a construct 
called tuple_() that should do it:

from sqlalchemy import tuple_
print tuple_(mytable.c.id, -1).in_([tuple_(1, -1), tuple_(2, -1)])
(t.x, :param_1) IN ((:param_2, :param_3), (:param_4, :param_5))

Jose Soares Da Silva                     _/_/
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